Lucie Drdova Gallery je pražská galerie současného umění se silným konceptuálním portfoliem a osobitým kurátorským přístupem, která propojuje místní umělce s mezinárodní scénou.

Biennale Arte 2022


Rony Plesl, Trees Grow from the Sky

Collateral Event of the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia

The exhibition, an official collateral event of la Biennale di Venezia 2022, presents a large-scale site-specific installation of glass sculptures in the historic Chiesa di Santa Maria della Visitazione. Conceived especially for the 59th International Art Exhibition, it marks the global premiere of Vitrum Vivum, a new revolutionary full relief glass casting technology – coinciding with the „2022 International Year of Glass.“

Biennale Arte 2022, The Milk of Dreams, curated by CeciliaAlemani

Rony Plesl, Trees Grow from the Sky

Curated by Lucie Drdova

Supported by House of Art, Ceske Budejovice

Venue: Chiesa di Santa Maria della Visitazione, Zattere district

Dates: 23rd April – 27th November 2022

The exhibition project by Czech artist Rony Plesl Trees Grow from the Sky addresses the questions of the essence of human existence and the definition of humanity. It also touches upon the relation of man and nature, providing its immediate reflection on multiple layers of meaning. The narrative of the overall concept and site-specific installation of the unique glass artworks revolves around a journey; around seeking our path in the world of today. The realization of the Venice project will be a world premiere of the unique technology of glass melting in global context, allowing the creation of a glass sculpture without any limitations.